You can volunteer in the countryside of São Paulo state or in a small city nearby Brasília – Brazil’s main city. There you will accomplish social work with a multi-professional team helping children and youth who live with mental and physical disabilities. Also, the volunteer can help the agricultural technician and the green projects teacher in the following workshops:
- Help make organic fertilizer
- Gardening
- Growing Seeds
- Watering plants
- Plant catalog
- Help to prepare and support the horticulture workshop for people with mentally or physically disabled.
While in Assis (São Paulo countryside), after 26 years of experience, The Philanthropic Society has reached the number of 180 assisted patients with diverse pathologies associated with neurological disorders, in Sobradinho (a small city close to Brasília) the organization supports about 650 people per year preparing them for a professional career.
Working days per week: 5
Age Range: 18-40
Language at the project: Portuguese / English
Language details: Desirable basic Portuguese Language knowledge
Soft skills and other requirements: The most important accomplishment we strive for is someone who will assist these children, sharing with them and their families, as equals, a demonstration of care and concern. We also need volunteers who have an aptitude for working with physically and mentally disabled children, lots of patience and creativity.
Housing type: Host Family
Meals included: 2 per day
Housing/meals details: – Single room; – Breakfast and dinner at host family; – Will be expected to observe the rules of the family;